Friday, September 18, 2009

Cubicle Food, Survive ANY project climate in a healthy way...

Food, it loves me and I it. Food it moves me and is something I've always enjoyed. Food, when your 6'7" and 220 lbs it gets expensive...

Cubicle Food, by my definition, is food that you can keep and prepare in your cube at work without having to use such luxuries as the fridge down the hall. After all the security guard likely steals out of it for his midnight snack. Some common examples include things like:

Clif Bars / protein bars
Beef Jerky
Tuna (sauced up with Tabasco, or peppered.)
Peanut butter (slice a banana on some peanut buttered bread for energy)

These are just to name a few. Notice these aren't the usually unhealthy things sitting in our drawers like candy bars and gummy bears, although they have their place, I love me some gummy bears. If you were really looking for the self sustaining cubicle I suppose you could go more exotic and pack things like MREs into your cabinet.

If your into shopping on Monday to get food for the week to stock your cube you can even go fresh fruit routes, apples, bananas and even pears. Some times a fresh vegetable is called for like carrots or radishes. There are many possibilities and alternatives to snagging that bag of Doritos or powdered donuts out of the vending machine.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Extra ways to make money...

All to often we sometimes find ourselves looking for extra ways to make money when all we really need to do is look at some ways to spend less money. I'd throw out a guess that its easier to spend less money now then it is to make "extra" money. For example, for me a simple 10 minute exercise yielded a list of a few things I can do to spend less money on some of the things I love:

1.) Make my own coffee in the morning (use that wedding gift)
2.) Thrive at work on "cubicle" food. (post soon to follow)
3.) Drink more water (Nada on the vending machine soda)
4.) Buy more generic products (if you take the time you can figure out that Waly-Worlds "Apple express" is actually "Apple Jacks" in a different box. Seriously, prove it to me otherwise.)
5.) Read magazines at the rack and leave them there.
6.) Design and play test your own dice game with your loving wife instead of buying one.

As you can see its pretty easy when you think about it. So go ahead and give it a whirl and use your noggin.